Sometimes, It’s Just Not Meant To Be

As a relationship grows, the initial sparks in that relationship start to fade as you spend more time and get more comfortable together but it should not be eliminated altogether. We’ve all felt the pressure of whether or not to call, text or bring up something we want to discuss. We also know the feeling of waiting on a reply from that special someone and not receiving one because they just don’t want to talk.

In a healthy relationship, you should never feel like you have to hold back from your partner. You should never be scared to be yourself too. If you are always the one initiating conversations, this is a clear indication that they are withdrawing from you. You deserve someone you can talk with about anything.
Sometimes, a relationship is just not meant to be and it doesn’t matter how much you think you love someone or how much you sacrifice for that relationship. You need to learn how to recognize the signs so you know when it’s time to move on.

Is the intimacy limited between you both?
We all know that the physical intimacy at the beginning of a relationship is very exciting. The anticipation of going from first to home base is intense and it also helps to establish an essential connection early in the relationship. It’s important to have a strong physical attraction and good intimacy to make a relationship last. As we spend more time together or move in with our significant other, intimacy can sometimes fall to the wayside as we get caught up in the business of daily life. However, there is a difference between being busy and not having the desire to be close to each other.
If the connection is still strong, then you both will try to be intimate even if you’re just giving each other back rubs, massages or compliments after a challenging day at the office. If the desire for one another has faded, it is time to think about why and what you can do to re-ignite it. Not everyone shows emotional and physical intimacy in the same way but you should know your partner well enough to be able to give them what they need without forcing it. If this doesn’t work, you need to find someone who can fulfill your needs and wants.

Are you better by yourself than with them?
I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep dating each other in a relationship, even after months or years of being a couple. The need to please your partner by taking them on dates or planning adventures diminishes only if you let it. Work, family, friends, children, etc. take over our lives as adults, but you should want to plan activities with your significant other because you enjoy spending time with them.
If you find that you prefer to be by yourself than with your partner, then what is the point of being in a relationship at all?

Is the relationship really a priority?
Knowing that you mean the world to someone is an euphoric feeling. They complement you, help you without being asked, plan dates and trips and always make sure you are happy and satisfied. It should come from both sides, not just one but if you’re the only person taking these things seriously then maybe it’s not meant to be. There is nothing worse than feeling like you’re not a priority in your partner’s life. This feeling will make us do even more for our partner in an attempt to please them and to prove our worthiness to them and the relationship.
While we think we’re helping the relationship, the reality is that we give them the impression that they can do less for us and receive more. In the end, our efforts make us feel even more frustrated and drained. If you feel like you are giving and doing more and not receiving, it is time to take a hard look at your relationship and your partner. Maybe you deserve someone who wouldn’t take you for granted.

Do you have to change yourself when you’re around them?
At the beginning of a new relationship, you try harder to look good, be positive and outgoing and have a carefree attitude even if you don’t normally possess these qualities. This is all in an effort to impress your new love interest.
However, over time, these things will fall away and your partner will see the real you—or they should at least. If you feel like you are constantly trying to change yourself to be a “better” person so your partner will like you and stay with you, your relationship is unhealthy. Life is too short to be anyone but yourself. This is one of the more difficult aspects of dating and getting to know someone—your partner should be attracted to you just the way you are, and if not, it is time to move on.
Guys, no one needs to stay stuck in a relationship where they feel like they have fallen out of love or like they lack love in their lives. So, are you ready to move on?



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